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Huda Saeed Saif's work is characterized by relative clocks. Her etheric body is dominant in her various artworks.

She deals with different art schools, but the work still falls under relative clocks. Huda Saeed is a prominent artist and contemporary art theorist who participated in several internal and external galleries, and exhibitions.

 She participated in Venice Biennale, Sharjah Biennial, Egypt, and Japan. In 2008, Huda participated in Venice Biennale with conceptual documentary work under the name of Some Visions. In addition to that, she presented several art workshops with innovative methods such as the Black Box in the Children's Biennale in 2015 and the Palm branch Workshop for the delegation from Uzbekistan. Huda has a prominent role as an evaluator committee in the UAE Photography Competition in 2012. Huda released three books (The Five dimensions – Self whispers - Art excerpts). She is a member of the Emirates Society of Plastic Arts Emirates Fine Arts Society since 2003, a member of the cultural office, a member of the UAE Inventor Association, and a member of the Environment Friends Society. Besides that, a holder of an international certified training license has a prominent role in training. Huda Saeed received several awards, most notably 2021 the Hamdan Global Award For Excellence.